A 5-week online series about what to do now? What's the next step? Where to go? What to do? Or maybe we don't know?!
Since March 2020 so many things changed and are still changing. Globally everybody is affected in one way or the other by Corona. Corona doesn't discriminate it affects us all. In a way it makes us aware that we humans are all one.
It also causes is a lot of uncertainty. Uncertainty because we don't know how the Corona-wave behaves, attacks or withdraws. Uncertainty because we can hardly make plans especially long term. They all have a question mark behind them. We just don't know. Our life can change in a split second and what do we do? How do we react in times of crisis or unexpected changes?
There are many different ways to react; is your mind working overtime to figure out solutions or answers? Are you avoiding and neglecting until the bomb bursts? Are you hiding or running? Working really hard or numbing yourself with artificials from binge watching, eating, shopping, alcohol or drug addiction? We all have our patterns.
We can say that this time we live in now creates confusion and great uncertainty. In a way we are all trapped in a state of limbo.
When I tune in to this feeling I feel my heart pounding, body temperature rising. I cannot think clear and there's a lot of confusion in my head and literally become dizzy. This is a sign I need to fall back on my practice, my refuge, my feet and breath. Over and over again until it becomes my second or first nature.
In this online 5Rhythms series we use the Wave of Flowing, Staccato, Chaos, Lyrical and Stillness to explore unknown territory. We dance with the questions we have right here and right now.
We dance for peace and the healing of our planet earth. One world unite.

Wednesday evening via Zoom online
21 and 28 October
4, 11 and 18 November
19.30 - 21.30
Login with Warm Up music 19.00
Whole series € 50
Single class € 15