When the shit hits the fan we can pull out all kinds of patterns to survive; we stop moving, we stop breathing, we start fighting, we space out, loose control or numb ourselves. Holding on to these survival mechanisms is not always serving us or our relationships.
The 5Rhythms movement practice teaches us to find our feet again and again in the rollercoaster that life sometimes is. We learn how to touch fertile ground, finding the eye of the storm and relax our bodies in the flow of life so it can naturally breathe and move.
By surrendering to what is miracles can happen and life can move through us and show us the way and direction we need to go. We gain solutions and find freedom of choice.
If you feel the calling to be more you, more real, more true then come and dance this weekend to explore the territory of the dark, the light and the shadow. We surrender to the dark, surrender to the light and dance in the shadow. To discover all the colours that you are!